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Divorce Financial Planning

FMB Divorce Financial Planning

Divorce Disrupts Your Life
But It Doesn’t Need to Destroy Your Financial Future

Are You...

Feeling overwhelmed by the financial decisions that need to be made to secure your financial future?

Worried about protecting your children’s lifestyle and financial future?

Afraid your spouse has an unfair advantage in financial matters?

Working with a financial advisor who will coordinate with your attorney and other professionals?

You don’t have to make these decisions alone.
You deserve to surround yourself with experienced industry professionals. 

Here's how FMB Wealth Management can help you:

Build a Divorce Team You Can Trust

Gather Important Financial Information

Set Goals and Determine the Best Settlement

Create a Sound Financial Strategy for Your Future

Divorce Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

It involves twists, turns and a few hills you may not have seen coming. Even on a smooth course, you need the right preparation for each step and a strong support team. Having the right professionals behind you will save you time and money and get you to a much better position at the finish line.

Whether it’s deciding to keep or sell your home, or determining a fair division of assets, we can help. We understand the emotions that surround these decisions and act as a voice of reason and compassion to guide our clients to make the best choices for their long term financial well being.

We also provide access to a network of experienced professionals who can give advice and guidance around all aspects of the process, from personal counseling to financial planning to legal referrals. We treat our clients with respect and kindness and take great joy in seeing them move on with confidence in their future.

Wondering Where to Start?

Contact Us to Request Our Divorce Checklist